Terms and Conditions

Hannah Chester
1 min readOct 12, 2020

After completing the readings/videos for Week 6, I found me kicking myself for hardly EVER reading the Terms and Conditions of practically anything I’ve ever signed up for or purchased. I, much like everyone in the social experiment and as we learned in the readings, don’t have the patience, attention span, or time to read every bullet point of the several pages-long terms we always mindlessly agree to. I know that I am a super trusting person and I never assume there would be an issue in agreeing to the terms and conditions of anything, especially on a popular platform or from a widely-used company such as Apple, Spotify, Netflix, etc.

I personally feel quite inferior now, which is a little silly to say but it’s entirely true. Some companies take advantage of people not reading these full blown essays of legal information (despite it having the serious possibility of actually harming the consumer or user), and they could easily put something as crazy as “swearing to give up your first born child for this product” in the terms. Did any of this make me change my mind about reading the legal information? Not really. Is that a real problem? I don’t necessarily think so, given that it hasn’t been a problem so far for me or anybody I know, which proves the overall point of this week’s content.

